Sunday, April 25, 2010

Leipzig, Ich liebe dich!

You know that feeling you get when you snuggle with a puppy in the sunshine while eating your favorite food, listening to your favorite music, and then Jesus comes and hands you a 100 dollar bill? Ok, that's what it's like to be in Leipzig with the Lipps. As most of you know, two years ago I spent six weeks in the summer studying abroad in Leipzig and stayed with the Lipp family. Finally, after two years, and on the week before I leave Berlin to go back to the U.S., I was able to visit the Lipps again. I was hopping like a little bunny when I got off the train and Ina was waiting for me at the station. It was like I could finally exhale! Ina and I hugged and kissed and this time, unlike last, I can speak a little German (albeit poorly) so we traded German inquires as to health ex cetera. As we drove through Leipzig everything looked familiar but different, a lot of construction has gone on. And when we pulled up to number 7, it was the best feeling. Even though the Lipps have remodeled their house and its now three stories instead of smelled the same and it was like I never left! Even better, Ina had kuchen und kaffee (cake and coffee) waiting for me on the balcony. I love this woman!

The rest of the visit was so quick, but I got to see Nellus (my host brother) who is now a studly man with his own apartment that I'm sure is driving the women all insane, Basti and Marcus who I was also friends with last time, my favorite Museum, and a Schumann concert. Also, last time I was in Leipzig I gained like 20 lbs, and I couldn't figure out why, because I walked a lot and didn't eat junk food, and didn't drink that much beer...I know why, now. Ina is the best hostess/cook and she feeds you until you're about to burst but how can you say no?! Anyway, the whole weekend was a breath of fresh air, and being babied and molly-coddled (as my Scottish friends would say) made me even more ready to see my Mommy and have her love me and be nice to me. She's vowed to follow me around like a puppy and braid my hair and cuddle me and probably, she thinks, annoy me, but I'm strangely looking forward to it. I almost typed strangley, just then, that may be apt.

This is my last week in Berlin, and while I am ready to go home, I will miss it. Undoubtedly. I spent today outside in the sun, at this great park where they have a flea market and music and everyone just chills outside on blankets and drinks, etc. Then Steve, Kyle and I went to this place called "Fat Ass Pizza" which again, is apt. Then we got ice cream and walked around and people watched in Prenzlauerberg. It's a shame I have to leave right when the weather is getting amazing. And it's also a shame the weather is getting good right when I have exams all week. P.S. You know the expression, "Couldn't care less?" I have never understood the feeling of not being humanly possible of caring a smaller amount the way I understand it now in regards to exams. I just. Don't. Care. I want to see the sights, get my last time in with friends I've made on the program, and I just can't be bothered to study. I love that phrase, "can't be bothered"...because that's exactly how I feel. Like terribly inconvienced by responsibility.

Alright, well I will at least do one final entry, "Deutschland by the Numbers," as promised. And maybe one more in addition. I hope. But in reality, it's possible I can't be bothered.

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