Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Dreary Wednesday

I started this week in a fantastic mood. I was coming off of a great weekend in Stockholm and very much looking forward to the Paris trip this Sunday. Also, this is Midterm week, and I know it makes me abnormal in a lot of ways to say this, but I love exams! I usually do really well at them, I have very effective study skills that allow me to study for short periods of time, and then I get the rest of the week chock full of extra free-time and no homework. And on top of everything else, teachers seem to think we're going to buckle under the stress of exams and go postal, so they are super super nice. Like today, my identity teacher brought us chocolate. Why? Just because. Seriously, I love exams. Also, the weather on Monday seemed to be taking a turn for the better. It was a balmy 44 degrees farenheit and sunny. I've seen the sun maybe 3 times since I've been here, and even though I'm not someone who covets and craves sun time (I'm a pasty pasty vampire), I can't deny it lifts ones spirits to be in the sunshine after dreary winter weather. So I was feeling good all around. I had one exam Monday, and none on Tuesday so I devoted the time to wondering around and seeing the city, just walking, since it's been so cold that such an activity has previously been impossible.

Bleakness quickly emerged however. My camera is broken. Well, not broken per se, because it works, only for 2 minutes and then the battery dies, no matter how long it's been plugged in and charging. No big deal, I thought, I'll just go to the electronic store and get a new battery. I did that Monday. Turns out it wasn't the battery. Takes a beautiful picture, then 2 minutes later can't turn it on. So okay, I reasoned, must be the charger. Yesterday I went to Saturn to get the charger. The guy told me that I didn't need a new charger, just to get an adapter for the plug. In short, he thought I was so stupid that I didn't realize the American plugs didn't fit into the European ports and as a result I thought the charger was broken. I had to assure him like six hundred times I wasn't a complete moron. And even then I was like, "Es ist kapputt" (it is broken) and he's like, "are you sure?" No, actually I haven't bothered to check. Of course I'm sure? Did you think I hauled my ass here for fun or something? So after this whole song and dance he doesn't have it. Try this other store location. I go there. No dice. They say, go to the actual Sony store (I had been going to Saturn, the German Best Buy basically). So today I went there. This charger for the particular model of camera I have doesn't exist. It was discontinued. WHY WHY WHY?! I swear the electronic people do this on purpose so if one thing goes wrong you have to buy an entire new product. Like you can't replace ipod batteries, if it dies you need a new ipod. Not to mention, what are they, like on the 3 millionth model? Each with it's own catchy indie rock commercial. Fascists. Anyway, I ended up just buying a new Sony camera because you can't go to Paris and not take pictures right? And I don't even know if disposable cameras exist anymore. So I dropped a bunch of money on a something that should have been easily fixed. Damn it, I think my family is cursed with cameras. Jeanie went through like 7 on her travels, mine was stolen when I lent it to my mom, this one broke... someone doesn't want our memories recorded for posterity's sake. I'll tell you that much.

So, my mood, which was jubilant this morning because I received a lovely care package from Charisse...has subsided to more of a dull cynicism. Which, all things considered, is probably pretty good for me. I have another exam here at 6:15, for Literature and Film, which will no doubt be an epic production, but afterward our teacher has kindly agreed to take us out for beer. Even though, let's be honest, I'm not that keen on spending even MORE time with her, beer is beer. And German beer is delicious. :-)

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