Sunday, February 28, 2010

Off to Paris

So, I survived Midterms, (actually I think I did pretty well on them!) and today in a few hours I will be jetting off to Paris for the week. I have to admit, I am pretty excited. The bitter Siberian cold has finally broken here--it's been in the mid-forties (which feels practically balmy) and occasionally one will even see the sun. Obviously, I have to be careful when this happens, I'm so used to the gloom and clouds that I'm not entirely sure I won't crumble to ash when faced with direct sun exposure. Actually, my enjoyment of the great weather has been somewhat hindered by a nasty head cold I've contracted. I went to the Apoteke and the guy has me taking 6 pills a day for it so it better break soon. I really hope it doesn't interfere with my trip. Nothing says, "Paris Je t'aime" like a coughing fit in front of the Eiffel tower right?

Friday night because of my cold I stayed in and rested. But yesterday, the weather felt so warm and I was so sick of being cooped up--which scares me because I think I'm adopting the German concept of "fresh air"--I got on the S-Bahn and headed to the city center with absolutely no idea of what I was going to do. I recently got a camera that works, so I intended to take some pictures of the street around IES and Museum Island, but that was about it. And then since I was by Museum Island, I was like, well, I guess I better go to a museum. So I called Sam to see if he wanted to meet me, since he lives right in the area, and he did, so he and I headed to the "Neues Museum" to see the bust of Nefertiti. It was the most amazingly beautiful breathtaking thing I have ever seen in my life. I've seen it so many times on the history channel or in books or whatever, to see something that old, that famous, and still that pretty--it really takes your breath away. Also, there were a bunch of mummys and hieroglyphics and other really impressive stuff. My favorite was the jewelry...I try to tell myself it's because it's so intricate and I can imagine the lives of the people who would have worn it. I secretly suspect I might just be a Jewish Princess though. I tried to take pictures to accurately capture some of the artifacts, but my picture taking ability is poor at best...I wish I had a knack for it. Alas...

So after the museum, I came home and fixed dinner, then Steve and Sam and Kyle and I met up in Charlotteberg at the "Haus Der 100 Biere" which, true to it's name, does have 100 beers. I was partial to Satan, a Belgian beer that was 8% alcohol and so thick that it felt like drinking dissolved bread, which actually I mean as a positive. But hey, I mean, it was no Naty Light or PBR or anything. It was a really chill night just talking and hanging out with the guys, which I always love to do. We talked about Paris, which most of us have already visited, and what we're excited to do and what we're not. I really want to see the Musee d'Orsay. I have visited the Louvre, and it was beautiful, don't get me wrong, but I prefer Van Gough and Impressionist work anyway, so I'm excited to see that. I also want to check out the Rodin museum. It will be so niiiiiiiiiice to have more free time to explore, last time with Mr. Jordan every SECOND was planned, so this time I'm pretty stoked that I have whole days just to roam around Paris as I please. And yes Charisse, I'll have a chocolate croissant for you!

Au Revoir my loves, I'm taking my computer so I'll try to keep everyone updated and I'll also try to make it more interesting than this post was. It's first thing in the morning and the cat is scratching my's not conducive to the usual masterpieces I create. Bon Voyage!

1 comment:

  1. The Rodin museum is super cool. And, if you want to geek out to some Monet works, check out L'Orangerie. And des Invalides is cool if you want to see Napoleon's tomb and lots of old medieval armor and weapons. That one is actually pretty fucking baller. Enjoy Paris!!!!!
