Tuesday, January 12, 2010


My Fatherland adventures have officially begun! After a relatively uneventful plane ride (uneventful meaning there was a man with bleached long blonde hair and a kilt) and a pleasant New Jersey layover (I met a really nice guy who will be staying in Berlin in the Newark bar) I have arrived sucessfully in Deutschland more tired than any human person has a right to be. I am, however, pumped. Tonight, despite jetlag, I will fearlessly tackle the bar scene, and the restaurant scene, and whatever other scene I can manage quickly.

The other kids seem like a cool and diverse group. There are students from G.W., Boston College, Penn State, etc. etc. etc. There will be about 20 of us total and I anticipate good things. We all are just chatting and trying to get over our jetlag while listening to six thousand bits of trivia, housing details, locker keys, again etc. etc. etc. I stupidly forgot to bring my I.D. card from last study abroad in Leipzig which I thought was useless but aparently I needed it. I should also probably get my insurance card sorted out. Well, this is short, but my next ones will be longer and more detailed. For now I'm just going to socialize. TSCHUSS!

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