Thursday, January 21, 2010

Museums and Sonograms

Yesterday I experienced what I consider to be the highpoint of Berlin. The History Museum. After our morning German classes the class trekked together in a pack to Museum Island which is about a 20 walk from our class. Most people did so somewhat grumpily because it was so cold, and everyone is tired and jet lagged, etc, etc. Not me. I was like a small child on Christmas. Sam asked, "Do we have to go to this Museum?" to which I answered, "No Sam, you get to go to this Museum."

So the building is this bright pink monstrosity that was restored to its original classic architecture after WWII and the guy who designed the pyramid for the Louvre, Pei, also designed a glass ceiling for the Museum, so it's pretty impressive. But, even more impressive, the Museum itself. I spent the whole time on the modern history floor, which has an original copy of the Treaty of Versailles, Costumes from Cabarets, Hitler Youth uniforms, Original papers from the camps, a Trabi, Erich Honecker's desk (final GDR president)....EVERYTHING. I was basically salivating the whole time. And there's an upstairs with medieval history. I stayed an extra two hours after our group left (until closing) by myself. It was awesome.

Back at IES we had Kino Night, which means that we all watched a movie. It was called "Herr Lehman" and it was bizarre and I didn't always get the German humor, but it was entertaining and kinder chocolate was provided so it was definitely worth going (kinder chocolate FYI is everything that is good about Germany). The plot was essentially this guy living a bohemian lifestyle in a district of West Berlin right before the wall fell. I am not someone who really wants to embrace a bohemian lifestyle so it was a little depressing for me in all honesty. Like so dirty and pointless and they all were so restless...but it was ok.

So this morning I woke up with the worst headache. So I ended up going to a German doctor's office. I can't think of a time when I have felt more retarded. I speak so little German and they spoke so little English and the whole thing was frustrating and I felt like a neanderthal grunting, "I doctor want" while everyone looked at me like I was an idiot. But I'm fine. Although they did a sonogram to look at my was so weird. I was like, "You guys know I'm not pregnant right?"

So I'm just chilling in my room after taking a little napster with the cat. Hopefully this weekend will be fun, I'm getting a little frustrated at knowing no one and trying so hard to make inroads...

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